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Marijuana Charges Valparaiso, IN

Facing Marijuana Charges?

Give us a call, we've helped others in the same situation.

In recent years, many states throughout the nation have legalized some form of medical or recreational cannabis. However, Indiana is not one of those states. Only CBD products with less than .03 percent of THC is legal.

Any amount less than 30 grams is a misdemeanor offense, while possessing at least 30 grams of marijuana is a felony.

In the event you are charged with cultivating or selling cannabis the penalties can be even more severe.

No matter what our opinion is about the legalization of marijuana, the fact is that it remains an illegal substance in the state of Indiana. In the event you are charged with an offense involving marijuana, you need an experienced attorney on your side.

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How can getting caught with marijuana affect my future?

While it may not seem that it is a big deal to be charged with the possession of pot, there can be dire consequences that will follow you for years to come.

  • A criminal charge will be on your record
  • You may not be able to obtain employment
  • In the event you get arrested again, even for a different crime, you could be considered a “repeat offender” and face harsher consequences.

At Patton Law we are here to help. We are not here to judge your actions. You deserve effective representation when charged with a crime.

Marijuana Charges
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